Jill Christensen
Jill ChristensenAuthor Blogger
Jill Christensen is a guest blogger for EmpowerPoints, an employee engagement expert, best-selling author, and international keynote speaker. She is a Top 100 Global Employee Engagement Influencer, authored the best-selling book, If Not You, Who?, and works with the best and brightest global leaders to improve productivity and retention, customer satisfaction, and revenue growth by re-engaging employees. Jill’s Website | LinkedIn Profile

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American Time Survey, 92% of respondents spend their work hours doing their actual jobs.  What are the others doing?  Eating and drinking tops the list, followed by working on another job, and using the internet.

 As a leader, it’s your responsibility to give your team members both the runway they need to feel empowered and engaged, and to ensure that they add value.  However, there is nothing worse than a boss who micromanages, so how do you keep your finger on the pulse of productivity without disenfranchising your team?  By asking one question: What have you achieved today?

 This question is an easy way to engage in a two-way dialogue with your team members to show you care and to gauge productivity.  And, if you like the answer, it also affords you the opportunity to praise and recognize an individual in the moment for a job well done.

 If you don’t like the answer, it provides an opportunity for you to ask the individual what you could do to help the person be more focused and productive?  Or to ask if they are clear about their individual objectives and the over-arching goals of the company?

 What Can I Do?  Engage in live conversations with team members, even if it has to be through Zoom.    Occasionally ask, “What have you achieved today?”  It’s a great way to show that you are interested in your employee’s success and quickly get people on track whose focus is not where it needs to be.  To your success as a leader.